Sunday 12 September 2010

Day Twelve 5.8.10 Crianlarich to Loch Ness

The picture above shows Matt, Andy, Steve and myself taking a break on the way to Loch Ness. Today's early start of 6.35 was due to the distance I had to cover and me not quite knowing what to expect from the terrain. The climb up to Rannoch Moor was steady and the weather was sunny-ish. The relentless headwind continued. The view down into Glen Coe looked ominous, very dark and threatening. Sure enough as I started descending it began to lash down and the wind increased, I was having to pedal down a steep hill! Very glad to stop at the Glencoe Cafe for a monster brekkie where the owner told me that in Scotland as far as the weather is concerned you have to take the bad with the bad. By the time I had dried out and warmed up it had stopped raining. The rest of the day’s ride was very enjoyable after that. The terrain was flat, tracking alongside Lochs and the wind became less of an issue as it was now side on. I caught up with Matt and Steve at Fort William and Andy a little later on. None of us saw the monster despite Loch Ness Youth Hostel having spectacular views over the Loch, and its own beach. I arrived at the YH feeling quite fresh and optimistic about the following day’s ride to Helmsdale. Six hours and forty eight minutes in the saddle, 92.96 miles and an average speed of 13.6 mph.

1 comment:

  1. Glencoe was by far my favorite day - I've got a photo very similar to your one... and similarly taken not long before it started to rain :-)

    You put in some impressive average speeds. This day's especially. Much better than I managed.
